Roofing and Siding Guide & Tips

Roofing Blog

Vertical vs. Horizontal Siding: Which Should You Choose?

Building a house from the ground up is one of the most exciting adventures for homeowners. You get to create a custom oasis that matches your style and has all your favorite finishes. Even though the thought of the finished product makes you smile, the journey to get...

7 Reasons to Love Steel Siding For Your Home

Builders use steel for various projects, including transportation, construction, and manufacturing. It's used in bridges, buildings, and infrastructure and is an excellent reinforcing material to prevent cracks in concrete. You've probably seen chairs, stair railings,...

Managing Roof Pests: Prevention Tips for Common Invaders

Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes to your roof, it's squirrels, insects, and birds that should have you saying, "Oh my!" Roof pests can be a nuisance and threaten your home's integrity and safety. Many types of unwanted invaders may find your roof an...