How to Clean Your Siding


Over time dirt, bird and insect droppings, algae, moss, and pollen accumulate on your siding. To keep up with those deposits, you should thoroughly clean your siding at least once a year. If you notice growth or significant dirt build-up, you may need to add more frequent cleanings.

Cleaning Products

There are several options for siding cleaners. Home improvement stores will have siding-specific cleansers, many of which are formulated for specific siding types. You can also make your own cleaner. For an all-purpose cleaner, mix warm water with dish soap, powdered laundry detergent, or trisodium phosphate (TSP, which is available at most grocery and home improvement stores).

How to Clean

Apply the cleaner with a cloth or soft-bristled brush. Use an extension pole to clean higher areas while you remain safely on the ground. Working from bottom to top will prevent streaking. Because cleaning your entire home can be time-consuming, divide the job into manageable sections. That allows you to complete the project in several sessions and always know which areas you’ve completed.

Pressure Washing

It can be tempting to grab a pressure washer and put it to work on your home. However, that is not recommended for most siding. The force of the water can damage the materials. It can also remove paint from trim and other surfaces. Finally, with a pressure washer, you risk forcing water under the vertical joints in the siding, which can lead to damaging water accumulation behind the siding.


Cleaning your siding also allows you to inspect it as you work. Be aware of any cracks, gaps, holes, or missing pieces. If you note those issues, address them immediately to prevent water intrusion and further damage to your home. Contact trusted roofing and siding contractors for an estimate on repairing or replacing any damaged siding.


You can take several steps to keep your siding cleaner, so it requires less frequent cleanings in the future.

Professional Cleaners

Cleaning your siding is a manageable DIY project, but it can be long and exhausting. If you have a two-story home, you will need to be up on a ladder, working with soapy water, and managing a brush on a pole, which can be dangerous. If all of this sounds intimidating or overwhelming to you, it may be time to call the professionals. Most roofing contractors will offer this service.

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