Problems That May Occur During a Roof Replacement

The time has come. You’ve chosen a roofing company and made all the decisions about what materials they will use. Now you can just sit back and relax, right? Wrong. Occasionally, mishaps occur. Understanding potential pitfalls can help you properly prepare. Preventing issues is often easier than fixing them. So read through our list of possibilities and take preemptive action where you can.

Fearful Furries

Having a group of strangers traipsing through their property can be hard on pets. Add to that strange noises, vehicles coming and going, occasional wall shaking, and roof replacement can be a significant ordeal for your animal friends. Whenever possible, have your pets out of the house during roof work. You might have them stay at a friend’s house during the day or send them to an animal daycare. If getting them off your property isn’t an option, consider putting them in a basement or other space that feels safe but shields them from the sights and sounds of the work as much as possible.

Property Problems

You can decrease your chances of property damage by working with a trusted roof service company that is licensed and insured. However, no matter how skilled and careful your roof workers are, occasionally, accidents will happen.

Read your contract before you sign it to see who is liable for accidental damage. Ask the crew if there’s anything you can do to help prevent problems. Also, don’t hesitate to ask them to take extra precautions if you have particular areas of concern. Move outside furniture, decor, planters, play equipment, or anything else that might be in harm’s way. These items will be safe from falling debris if they are not near the work areas.

Weather Worries

Since your roof is what keeps rain and snow out of your home, inclement weather while your roofing is partially removed can be catastrophic. Incoming water can damage your home, its contents, and the roof support structures. Check the weather forecast for the days of planned work. If precipitation is expected, talk to your roofing contractor. They should have tarps available to cover any open or unsealed areas.

Pool Pain

Installing your pool cover can take time and effort. However, getting the cover in place before the roof work begins is worth the effort. Not only will this keep debris and dirt out of the pool, but it can also prevent damage to the pool’s surface caused by falling materials.

Small bits of dirt or fiberglass in the pool may not seem like a problem, but they can clog the filter and damage the motor.

If you don’t have a pool cover or feel it might not be sufficient, ask your residential roofer about covering the pool and what else they can do to protect the system.

Nettled Neighbors

Your roofers will be respectful of your and your neighbors, but noise is unavoidable. Notifying surrounding residents ahead of the impending work can go a long way toward addressing problems before they occur. Some people even send cookies or another small token to the houses next door to acknowledge the inconvenience. This can buy a bit of goodwill and extra patience.

Plant Predicaments

Your prized rose bushes are sitting, defenseless, in your yard. Protect them as best you can with tarps or temporary structures. Move potted plants away from the house. Speak to your crew, pointing out particular areas of concern so they can exercise extra caution, set up protection, or suggest ways to move your flowered friends out of the work area.

Bothered Breakers

The roofing crew will likely be using powerful equipment to remove your old roof and install the new one. Occasionally, the electricity load from these machines can cause a breaker to trip. Make sure you know the location of your breaker box so that if this happens, it is a quick, simple fix.
When possible, provide multiple outlets for the crew to access. If they are on separate breakers, you will spread the load, making tripping a breaker less likely.

Car Complications

Talk with your roofer before work begins about how they will access the property. To be safe, move your vehicle out of the garage or driveway before work begins. You don’t want your car to be trapped by the worker’s vehicles and equipment. If the crew needs to pause work to move their machines, it will delay the project.

If the workers plan to use your driveway, ask that they cover it to protect it from oil or damage from heavy equipment.

If you can, set aside a parking area close to your house for the crew to use. If you are moving your car from the driveway, instead of parking directly in front of your home, park your car several spots away, saving the close spots for the crew. Ask neighbors to save the area directly in front of your home for your work crew.

Roof replacements may be unusual for you, but your roofing contractor and crew do them routinely. Still, occasionally problems occur. To minimize the chances of facing an issue during the process, prepare ahead of time. Ask your roofer if they have suggestions for how you might best prepare. Taking time to get your home ready for work can prevent headaches later.

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