Why Ignoring Roof Mold is a Massive Mistake

The word “mold” strikes fear in the hearts of many homeowners. Mold can make you and your family gravely ill. It’s not something to take lightly. Some people are tempted to ignore mold on the outside of their home, figuring it can’t do much harm if it is not indoors. However, you ignore roof mold at your own peril and the peril of your home and family. Mold is not something you should mess around with. You must act quickly if you notice black or green stains blooming on your rooftop. Let’s dive into why roof molds need to be removed promptly.

Mold Multiplies

Mold is a persistent organism. Removing it entirely becomes extremely difficult once it is well-established as a fungal colony. Controlling mold means eradicating every last bit or it will regrow. When it has gotten to the point where you are dealing with a larger colony, removing, or killing every last spore is a massive challenge. Don’t let it get that bad.

If you notice a small growth, address it quickly, whether by tackling it yourself or contacting a residential roofer for expert assistance. If you’ve let it go too long, you will almost certainly need to hire a professional to remove this stubborn problem thoroughly.

Mold Invites Pests

You may think mold is disgusting, but it would look like paradise if you were a rat. Mold growth is an inviting habitat for many disease-carrying pests, including rats, mice, and squirrels.

If you have rain gutters, they are like convenient stairways for these unwanted roof guests. Pests can also access your roof by jumping from overhanging branches or nearby structures. They are more likely to stick around if they find a soft mold spot on your roof. While up there, they can gnaw on your roofing materials, causing damage and creating gaps that allow water intrusion into your home. Your roof materials may even become part of a rodent’s nest. That means several trips back and forth, each involving these creatures chewing or pulling off more material to build a home.

If they work through the top roofing layer, pests can start damaging the underlayment or even getting into your home. Whatever you can do to discourage them is worth the effort. Get rid of mold growth promptly before it attracts pests.

Mold Spreads

You may think, “But I’m not outside, breathing the air around my roof, so does it matter if there’s mold up there.” However, mold spreads.

Mold spores are tiny and easily carried on wind or drafts. If you have a colony on your roof, it is incredibly easy for a few spores to make it in through a vent, open window, or other entry point. Once inside, those spores can establish a new colony and expose you and your family to all the dangerous health hazards of mold.

Remove roof mold or have it addressed by a roof repair company before it can spread into your home. Otherwise, your bathrooms, kitchen, closets, or other spaces could soon be home to mold.

Mold Damages Health

Extended exposure to mold spores is a significant health hazard. Symptoms range from watery eyes and sneezing to headaches, asthma attacks, and fatigue. Mold exposure can even contribute to cancer. Mold inhalation can also make you more susceptible to opportunistic infections that move in when your body is working hard to fight off the effects of the mold. In some cases, these can require hospitalization or can even be fatal.

These health effects are why you need to address roof mold quickly, completely, and effectively. It’s also why you should consider hiring a professional roof service company to tackle the job. While extended exposure causes the most health risks, even shorter periods can have health effects. Professionals know how to proceed safely and have the proper protective gear if required.

Don’t mess around with mold. Protect your health and remove roof mold as soon as you notice it.

Mold is Ugly

If that damp blob of mold could speak, it wouldn’t say, “Welcome to my lovely, well-kept home.” Its message would be more like, “Keep away!”. Mold is unsightly. It doesn’t present the image of your home that you likely want.

Additionally, many homeowners’ associations can issue a violation or even a fine if you have excessive mold on your roof. That’s because they acknowledge how unsightly mold colonies are and how that can affect property values.

Removing roof mold helps keep your home beautiful and your HOA off your back.

Mold is Damaging

Mold holds moisture, preventing your roof materials from drying. That encourages rot and water incursion below your roofing material. This moisture can lead to expensive repairs to your roof and even damage to the interior of your home and its contents. If left too long, mold could even lead to the need for a total roof replacement.

Addressing roof mold at the first signs of growth is a much cheaper, more straightforward fix than waiting until it has damaged your roof.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Mold on your roof can seem like a harmless splotch, but it can have catastrophic effects on your house and health. The longer you leave it, the worse it gets and the harder it is to address. If you see that tale-tell green or black stain on your roof, address it immediately before it damages your home or your well-being.


Why Ignoring Roof Mold is a Massive Mistake


Some people might ignore outside mold, thinking it can’t do much harm if it’s not inside. However, ignoring roof mold can be risky for your home and family. Learn in this infographic why it’s important to remove roof mold promptly.

6 Roof Mold Consequences Infographic

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