Roofing and Siding Guide & Tips

Roofing Blog

How Snow and Ice Can Wreak Havoc on Your Roof

A snowy roof might look like a scene straight out of a Christmas movie, but what’s hiding beneath that fluffy white layer could cost you big. Snow and ice may be picturesque, but they’re also heavy—and your roof can only handle so much weight before trouble starts....

Best Practices for Roof Replacement on Historic Homes

Owning a historic house blends pride, responsibility, and preservation. This beautiful structure is your home, but it's also a piece of history and an asset to your neighborhood and community. For you, repairing a fence or choosing a paint color has far more...

Considering Financing Your New Roof? Read This First

Replacing your roof is one of the most significant investments you'll make as a homeowner. It can also be one of the most expensive. If the idea of an upfront payment on this expense leaves you colder than an icicle on a gutter, there may be a better way. You can...